64 bit library (dll) for USB to CAN V2

My x64 Windows Console App cannot communicate with the driver dlls installed in my c:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder (vcinpl.dll)

This appears to be a 32-bit dll, which will obviously not work with my x64 App.
This was confirmed by creating a .lib file from the .dll

Do you have a 64 bit dll to support this need?

Hi @dsa,

I we do have 64bit versions of the VCI drives both the 32 and 64 should be included in the same installer. What version of the VCI drivers do you have installed?


Thanks for your reply Deryck.

I have been able to resolve my issue by implementing a dynamic dll load per the hms example.

There was a problem I discovered using the example in a VC console application which was causing the LoadLibrary to fail:

The example was using a LPWSTR for the dll name. This needed to be set as L”vcinpl.dll” to work with my x64 app.

Perhaps you can mention this in the example app so that other users might avoid the issue I had.

Thanks for the follow up, this is valuable feedback!

I will forward to our solution manager to see if we can have something added. At the very least this post should be able to help people out in the future.