AB7629 Profibus Master-Modbus TCP Server

We switched the X Gateway from using Modbus RTU server (AB7808) to a Modbus TCP server(AB7629) to bridge the PLC Modbus TCP Master and Profibus slave devices.

Should the Modbus TCP address map be the same as we were using with the Modbus RTU?

Currently, the Modbus TCP Master plc is not capturing the registers as we were able with the Modbus RTU X-GATEWAY?

We are able to see hex data in the XGateway monitor but not in the PLC.
Modbus TCP Status = 3 in PLC.


If the machine is the same, and the mapping hasn’t changed on the device. It should be the same.

For the Profibus side, were any changes made to the networking?


Do you have any additional questions?

Thanks you for asking, I got it working. I needed to change the Modbus TCP port to Anybus Addressing. The addresses from the multiple Profibus slaves are stacked and addressed offset accordingly.


Excellent. I am glad you got the issue resolved!