Address for Siemens S71500

Hello, I just got and installed my eWon flexy 205, and now I’m trying to run the configuration. I have on my S71500 a Memory bit (from my global memory) %M3.3

On the I/O tag (in Tag Configuration / I/O server Setup) would S73&400 boolean (On/Off) MB3 be the right setup? Thank you for the help


The Tag addressing you are using is incorrect. It should be as follows M3B#x where “x” is the bit number you want to read. See the attached manual below:

Hi Kevin, I tried to use M3B#3 (Global Memory M3.3 from 1500), but it immediately turns red. So I tried M3#3,ISOTCP,,03.02 and it seems like it is working. Is that the correct format? Thank you


If you do not have the address entered in IO Server topic with the Topic enabled, you will need to enter the address in the Tag Address field of the Tag.

Hello Kevin, Thank you for the help