An internal error has occurred within the server, and the connection has been terminated

Dear support,

We have a COSY on one of our plant.
On M2WEB, we have configured 3 differents RDP connection.
1 is working correctly, on the 2 others we have the error “An internal error has occurred within the server, and the connection has been terminated”

From the machine where we are able to go in RDP we can connect the 2 others machine, so RDP is well configured on the machine.

Have yo any idea? I tried to make a backup with ebuddy but backup fail each time. But I am able to download the backup from the COSY (from FileTransfer) if needed

Thx for your support


What type of PLC’s are you connecting too? Can you ping the device IP’s when connected?

Do you recieve the same issue’s when trying to connect through eCatcher?

You can get a back up file through the UI of the Cosy device.


It’s 3 Windows machime

HD10: Windows 2012R2 -> PING OK / RDP OK

HM10: Windows 2012R2 -> PING OK / RDP NOT OK

HV29: Windows 7 -> PING OK / RDP NOT OK

Not working with M2Web AND not working with ecatcher


Hello, You can download a .gz file through the UI of the device.

Sorry, I don’t understand your remark

Here what I can download:

Is it what you would like?


If you can download the following files


November 18

If you can download the following files

program.bas (27.4 KB)

What are your LAN IP’s for the devices?

Also under eCatcher, what is your firewall and protocol’s enabled for those devices?

Here our config

Under the LAN device properties menu, do you have all protocols enabled?

Also if you are using a remote desktop, you can try enabling internet connectivity to the devices behind the Cosy. I have attached the documentation, you can try this and check for connectivity.

Hello Kevin,

Sorry for the delay, I was not able to test early.
We found the problem

Our 3 devices didn’t have the same configuration for RDP in windows.
After configuring the 3 without the checkbox “Allow connection only from computers running …” it’s working

Thanks for your help