Anybus B40 Profinet - Network Ethernet Object (0Ch)

I am evaluating a Common Ethernet Brick (CET) Module with Profinet Protocol updated by Firmware Manager. I can’t access Network Ethernet Object (0Ch) instance 2 and 3 (port A/B) by read as expected. The “number of instances” (attribute 3 of instance 0) seems to be not available with CET.
Instance 1 value (Device MACID) is accessible by driver SW without problems.
What can I do to get LLDP required MACID info from the ports?

Thanks for help, Thomas

Hi Thomas,

I will check with my colleagues in the HQ, If there is something must be done on the CET module to resolve this issue.
You have another 2 ways to get the MAC IDs for the port 1 and port 2.

  1. Use the object 0Ch, Instance 1, Attribute 2 and 3
  2. Use the object 0Eh, Instance 1, Attribute 10 and 11.

Best regards

Hi Thomas,

Instances 2 and 3 are for the two external ports, and attributes 4, 5, and 6 exist for them.
The manual says “Instance attributes #1 - #3 are reserved and used for backwards compatibility with earlier applications.” So they don’t exist for instance 2 and 3.
Instance 1 should be for the internal port (between the switch and the CPU) and it does not have attribute 6 implemented

Best regards


I have tried both ways (object 0Ch, Instance 1, Attribute 2 and 3 || object 0Eh, Instance 1, Attribute 10 and 11) resulting in the same problem : access error. - Do I need to assign the MAC adresses by application if have a Common Ethernet Module with Profinet FW?

Kind Regards,

Hi Thomas,

Can you send me please the serial number of the module?
I also need the firmware version for Profinet which you are using.
Can you send me messaging log to see what is going on and why the module doesn’t answer correctly on the commands.

Best regards

Hi TareQ,

attached you’ll find the FW Manager view of the files I received for evaluating on Common Ethernet Modul. The SSHlog* shows my standard output (request of Port MACID’s deactivated). ERRlog* contains extended output and shows the crash at the end.
Comparing with the description of the Anybus Message Layout it seems that the last ‘Msg received’ shows a DestObj value of 0xf6 (which I have never requested at this time) followed by ‘Msg sent’ with Cmd value 0x97 (=> error flag set?).
Maybe my crash could be avoided by redefining ABCC_FatalErrReaction() which is actually empty at my code. Anyway, I would expect something more uncritical…

Kind Regards,
ThomasHMS_FW-Manager_FileRepos SSHlog_PIR_DevMAC.txt (803 Bytes) ERRlog_PIR_MAC.txt (29.2 KB)


I haven’t added the serial number because I have 2 Anybus Modules and the error occurs on both of them.

/ Thomas

Hi Thomas,

I can’t see any request to object 0C or to object 0E in the log you sent.

Your application should send this requests to the module!

How do you send the requests actually?

Best regards

Hi TareQ,

I fixed my error… Finally, it was an out-of-range access to an array dedicated to store the MAC ID’s.
Now I get all information as expected. Thanks a lot for your support !

Mybe one last question: could it be necessary to increase the default value (2) of ABCC_CFG_MAX_NUM_CMD_SEQ if I am processing command’s in a loop?
As you can see at “SSHlog_PIR_3xMAC.txt” I process more than 2 commands consecutive.

Kind Regards,
SSHlog_PIR_3xMAC.txt (789 Bytes)

Hi Thomas,

If you want to increase this parameter you need to have enough resources on your hardware. But I don’t think it is necessary to increase it in your case. It is necessary if you want to handle more than 2 commands concurrently and not consecutively.

Best regards