Application Object FFh

Hello together

I have a question about attribute #5, instance #1 of . The description says that this attributes indicates if there is a firmware available in the candidate area, for firmware upgrade.

I assume that by the NP40 stack firmware is meant. The access of the attribute is Get/Set. My understanding is, that the NP40 sets this attribute if there is a new firmware in the candidate area on the NP40.

Why does the NP40 needs access? It’s the NP40 that holds the information about an available firmware and not the application.

Thank you



Attribute 5 is used to indicate to the Host software that a firmware file is available for the NP40. When it is set to TRUE, it allows the host software to allocate time for a the boot up process to include a firmware update before initializing.

Indicates if there is an firmware file available in the candidate area,
for firmware upgrade at the next restart. The application can use
this to determine if the next restart will be extended due to a
firmware upgrade.
The attribute is cleared at startup.

This is it outlined in the software design guide document linked below:

Do you have any additional questions?