Bridging Mode difference - Standard vs. Layer 3 IP forward

What is the significance of this setting? I have devices on the Bluetooth side that is on the same subnet as the LAN side. The bolt is operating as a NAP with DHCP relay, a router exist on the same network that has access to the internet. An iPhone connected to bolt as a PANU client requires standard in order to also access the internet, while layer 3 IP forward does not work. However as it seems, a UDP packet sent by a Bluetooth client (embedded device) to the LAN side seems to only gets forwarded by the bridge if layer 3 IP forward option is set. Any rationale there?

Also, is there a means using AT commands to look at the bridging table as populated by the Bolt?

Hi Derek,

I believe standard is used for a bridge between two AWB devices. I will need to double check this.

We don’t see many customers using these with iPhones. I believe there are issues with how IOS handles the Bluetooth connection.


Discussing this with my colleagues getting ios devices connected to the bolts has seen mixed successes. Each version of ios seems to handle the connection differently, we have gotten it working on some but an update will break the connection.
We have seen better results with android devices but they have a similar issue where not just the version but brands differ with how the handle the connection. I have had it working on my phone but it required me to first put it into airplane mode and only enable the BT connection.


Thanks for investigating on this. I am using the iPhone as an example. My target embedded device that is connecting to the bolt will be a PANU client with a custom SW BTstack. I would like to know if there are specific AT commands available on the Bolt for the following

  1. Bridging table and list of MAC addresses
  2. BT Clients that have joined the NAP
  3. Command that can boot BT clients
  4. Restriction that can be imposed by the NAP to allow only a certain BT clients (ie, MAC address)

Hello Derek,
I am not aware of commands for most of these requests here are a few that seem relevant to your request.
You can get the connection list with ATBCLR? and ATBRCD? will show you the connected devices.
Disable pairing with ATBPM.
You can also update the connection list with AT

You can see all AT commands available with the following AT command doc.
