Can two different users (accounts) access the same eWON?

I (my company) installed an eWON for a machine that’s part of a production line. There is also and auxilliary piece of equipment, on the same Ethernet network and IP address range, that another company built, that would need access to this machine network. Can the second company use the same eWON, with their account/credentials? I don’t want to add them as a user to our company account, or give them my log in credentials.

Hi Mike,

No, an Ewon can only be registered to a single Talk2M account at a time. With Talk2M Pro you can define user groups and device pools to control which users can access which devices, so that you could add them as a user and ensure they can only access this one specific Ewon. Alternatively, you can remove this device from your account and create a new Talk2M Free+ account containing only this device to share between your company and theirs. But there is no way to add the same device to two separate accounts at once.