Can't reach PowerBI with Flexy


I saw on the technical forum of EWON that we can send http request to populate PowerBI dataset :


When I try to do the same Script, I get HTTP error :

my script :


I checked it with Postman and it works (I can see values from postman’s request in my PowerBI report).

Postman request :

The Json I used is the one extract from my BASIC script. (I did “Print Json$” and copy/paste it in postman)

I don’t understand why there is this error with my Flexy 202.

Do you have any idea ?

Hi @Franck

What is the error that you’re getting in the flexy 202?

Hi Tim,

After posting this message I investigated a bit more and found out that my Flexy config didn’t allow me to connect with WAN (only VPN). So I unchecked the parameter “traffic only through VPN” and allowed Flexy to WAN access. Then it worked (I couldn’t tell you that before you publish my post)

Is this the right way to do ? I mean, allowing access to WAN is less secure than using only VPN connexion right ? Do I need to “open” my Flexy to WAN to push data to PowerBI server ?


Can you send me a backup.tar file from ebuddy with the support files included so I can take a look at how this device was setup? I may need to confirm with some colleagues in Belgium on Monday to check if you need to have the WAN open

Hi Tim,

Thank’s for pushing the topic a bit further.
Here is my backup :
Support files should be inside.

Hi Tim,

I checked my HTTP request without “opening” Flexy to WAN and it works !
So I guess the only action we need to do to push data to Power BI server is to uncheck the "traffic only through VPN” option.

Best Regards

Hi Franck,

Glad to hear that you got it working