Connect to ODB Bluetooth device

Hi. Im new on this technology.

Tryring to connect to a bluetooth generic odb2 interface without sucess.

The Anybus is configured as ANP Access point but cant see any bluetooth device (not only the ODB2, neither the mac, iphone, etc)

Im misunderstanding this?

Any help will be apreciated.

Best regards.

Are you using an Anybus Wireless Bolt or something else? What is the article number (AWB2030, for example).


Do you have software that is able to communicate with the OBD-II device? If so, we have an example of connecting to a serial device using the Putty software program that you could follow, except using your OBD-II (or CAN) software instead.

Having software that can communicate with the OBD-II device is needed for this type of application. What software are you using?

Here is the AT Commands doc which lists the BT Classic and BT LE commands that you can use to scan for and connect to BT devices:

AT Commands

Thanks Kyle. Another question. How many auto pairing items can we have in the cache of an anybus device?

It can connect to up to 7 devices (ATS2010=7), so at least that many, but I’m not sure if it can save more than that. It’s not in the documentation so I’d have to check with the chip maker.