Connecting Netbiter EC310 to Modbus server in different VLANs

Dear Ewon support team,

I am doing my own SCADA system to read around 40 devices EC310 to monitor ultrasonic fuel sensors and gensets connected through Modbus RTU to gateways. I already did the communication within the same local Network (Netbiter EC310 and server installed within the same VLAN) using Modbus TCP/IP protocol though port 502, and this is working on both WAN and LAN ports but locally. However, my problem is accessing Netbiter gateway from different VLANs. Any ideas how this problem can be solved.
Note that I cannot use Argos server for networking security reasons (policy of my organization).
Thank youuu.


Amer Maroun

Hi Amer,

The Netbiter acts as an unmanaged switch on the LAN and does not have the ability to support multiple vLANs since it cannot route the connection.

Hi Zach,

Thank you, but how can I do it on WAN port?

The same holds true for the WAN port as it does the LAN port.