Cosy 131 mapping devices to Cosy LAN subnet using NAT 1:1

Using Cosy 131. Cosy LAN address is 192.168.1.X and my device (PLC) address on LAN is 192.168.0.X. Can I map the device address to, say, 192.168.1.Y using NAT 1:1 so that it is accessible remotely over Talk2M? The reason for this is that the remote site WAN assigns DHCP addresses in the same subnet as 192.168.0.X causing conflicts and I don’t want to change the device subnet to avoid considerable program changes on the device side since there are numerous other devices involved.


Unfortunately NAT 1:1 doesn’t quite work in that way. Your device on the eWON LAN must be in the same subnet in order for any LAN communications to work. This means that you will need to update your PLC IP to be 192.168.1.X.

Natting would not help here unfortunately.