Cosy 131 remote access wonderware Intouch

I was wondering if I can remote access wonderware intouch to edit or modify the scada program. What settings do I need and procedures? Thanks

That depends on the protocol used by Wonderware intouch. Is it an ethernet device? Web based? Does it used RDP or VNC? Is there another application that’s used?

Hi Kyle,
Thank you for your response. Wonderware communicate with PLC 5 via ethernet. On the wonderware side is used ABTCP. I accessed through ewon 131 to PLC 5.

So the PLC and Wonderware are both connected to the Cosy? You should be able to connect to it using the IP address. Is there a software program that you use to connect?

I can add the PLC IP address to rslinx ethernet device driver and I used rslogix 5 to connect to the PLC 5. How do I configure my wonderware and ecatcher can access? Thanks

How do you connect to Wonderware when you are on the same network? Have you tried connecting as if you were? Are you getting an error of some kind? (Please keep in mind I’ve never used Wonderware so I have no idea how it works so the more info you can provide the better)

Hi Kyle,

Wonderware connect to PLC 5 on the same network, based on wonderware driver configure, form my case I add ABTCP driver to wonderware system platform management console( kind of factory talk linx communication setup). Because I add plc 5 IP address into rslinx ethernet device and I can see from plc 5 communication. But I don’t know for wonderware. I will ask wonderware tech support someday. Thanks.

