Cosy WiFi setup when not actively local to WiFi

I’d like to setup a Cosy WiFi unit for the customer’s WiFi, but I am not local to the WiFi (I am setting up several units to ship to the customers facility). When I try to type in the manual SSID and password, the wizard fails and on finish does not update the WiFi settings (verified thru COM file). I could edit the COM file, but the the passphrase is most likely hashed (it currently does not represent the password for the local WiFi that it’s connected to, so it’s encrypted in some manner). I assume I can’t just put in the password into the passphrase and have it work.

How do we setup a Cosy WiFi when we do not actively have access to the WiFi?

Hi Christian,

The only way you’ll be able to do this is by going onto the device’s webpage and going to the setup>system>storage>tabular edition> edit COM cfg. go to the filter and type in wifi. You’ll need to make sure the following paramters are set:

  • WANCnx - set to 4 to use wifi
  • WifiSSID - This is the name of the Wifi network
  • WifiPSK - Wifi password

If you want to set a static address set the following

  • WifiIpAddr - Ip address
  • WifiIPMask - Mask
  • WifiGW - Gateway if needed
  • WifiUseDHCP - 0 is used for static, 2 is for DHCP

This document should be helpful if you have questions about which values should be entered.


Make sure that you hit the save button and then reboot the device once you’re done everything


Thank you for your reply.

Can I set the WiFi PSK password in this manner? When I use the wizard, the value in the COM file is not the value I typed in so I assumed it was stored either encrypted or hashed.

I will test this with another unit and send to customer.

Thank you,

Christian Rauh

Hi Christian,

If you try to do this through the wizard, it won’t save the information unless that connection was successful. It will revert to the last working connection. If you do want to do it through the wizard though, this could be done by changing your wifi network’s SSID and password so that they match the settings the customer would be using.
