Device already assigned error

I am receiving device already assigned error with FJ-IR-WIFI-1NA. Let me know if photo did not upload

Dennis Butler

Did you buy this new? Do you know why it would be assigned to another account?

I bought it on ebay as new. I did contact the seller and he said his tech has tested it. At this point I don’t know if it was new or not.

I am closing the house up for the winter in a couple of weeks so I do have a time restraint. I would like to get the system functional before that.

OK. I can put in a request to have the account reset. This will email the owner of the account and ask if they have any objection to removing the device from their account. This could take up to a week if they don’t respond. In the future, I’d recommend purchasing from an authorized distributor. Also, the device you purchased is a generation 1 device, which only uses the 802.11b WiFi band so you may need to make sure your WiFi router has support for legacy devices enabled.

I will let you know when you can try registering it again.

The device was removed from the previous account. You can register the device now.