eCatcher can't open the VPN sometimes

It happens sometimes that when i try to connect to a eWon module one day, the next day i can’t. It gives me this error shown in the screenshot

Can you help me ?


Are you ever able to connect through the network giving you that error message? That looks like your traffic is being blocked to Talk2M.

Can you try forcing eCatcher to use TCP?

1) Launch eCatcher, and click on the blue hyperlink named Settings


2) Next, click the modify button in the Connection & Proxy Settings

3) Select the TCP option (3rd option down) and then click OK


Navigate back to the login screen by clicking back and you should be all set.

Yes, the issue feels very random, sometimes i can connect without problem. The error happens at the “configuring local interface” step. Running as admin doesn’t change the issue. My coworker’s computer could connect from the same network just fine.

Forcing TCP also didn’t help.


Can you please provide me a copy of your eCatcher system logs?

  1. Log out of eCatcher.

  2. Press Settings

  3. Click the magnifying glass at the top of the screen labeled: System Logs

  4. Upload the .zip file.


The file you sent over via PM is the incorrect file. Did you use the steps above to generate the entire eCatcher system logs? There is an icon that says system logs in eCatcher that will generate a .zip file of all pertinent information.

Yes i used that

I used this button :


I just noticed you are using a very old eCatcher.

Can you try updating your eCatcher? Your version is 4.2.0 we are currently running 6.3.5

Thanks ! This seems to have solved the issue.


Thank you for following up!

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