eCatcher - Limit User Visibility

I have an eCatcher account.
I would like to create users within my account, but I would like each user to have access only to his eWon, without being able to see the other ewons of my account.


This is available with theTalk2M Pro account using pools and groups but it’s not available in the free+ eCatcher accounts. You will need to purchase a Talk2M pro account to have this ability.

You can reach out to your local distributor or give our sales team a call at 312-829-0601 for pricing questions.

Hi Joe,

You can create a short url with google for each eWON and distribute it respective customer. url will point to eWON directly and customer will not see other eWONs.


This would not create a VPN tunnel and would not give them access to the eWON’s LAN.

Hi Joe,

You are correct. It requires to establish vpn tunnel. Normally we login with However, if we add eWON name after this url and create a short url using google, this short url is pointed to particular eWON. Upon entering username/password, it establishes vpn tunnel and shows eWON viewon screen.

This way, customer don’t see other eWONs.


Using M2web this is possible but the customer can simply edit the URL to see all devices.
It’s not a secure way of limiting visibility to other eWON devices.