EDS file for Anybus Communicator

Hi Rob,

It’s most likely the AB7072 (2 ethernet ports) or AB7007 (1 ethernet port). If you find it’s the AB7072, you can grab the EDS file here: https://www.anybus.com/docs/librariesprovider7/default-document-library/firmware-software/hms-eds-abc-eip.zip?sfvrsn=a46eadd6_8

If it’s the AB7007, it’s going to be here (don’t use the one on the support webpage): https://hms-networks-s3.s3.amazonaws.com/original/2X/3/30df63e25cc209c14dd2e1d4de3fb652dcc01313.zip

Please let me know if you have any questions.



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