eSync and Datamailbox failed to synchronize


The datamailbox and eync fails to synchronize when I started data transfer at a customer site. The error from the log is
“DbMultiLineInserter ERROR Error inserting data :Failed to perform a multi-insert (after 1 inserts), the following errors occurred:[MySQL][ODBC 5.2(a) Driver][mysqld-5.6.16]Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (esync.esync_tagshistory, CONSTRAINT tag_history FOREIGN KEY (TagId) REFERENCES esync_tags (Id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE)”

Could you please help me figure out what’s going on and how to resolve it?
Thank you,

Hi Tony,

Was this happening after you restored a backup onto another device?


Hi Tim,

Sorry the old title of my post was wrong. It was another question I figured out myself.
My question is the failure of data synchronization through datamailbox. The connection is good because I can remote access.
The error message came out from log file of datamailbox.
The error is
"DbMultiLineInserter ERROR Error inserting data :Failed to perform a multi-insert (after 1 inserts), the following errors occurred:[MySQL][ODBC 5.2(a) Driver][mysqld-5.6.16]Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (esync.esync_tagshistory, CONSTRAINT tag_history FOREIGN KEY (TagId) REFERENCES esync_tags (Id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE)”


Are you able to run a clean on data mailbox?

I got error code 401 “Invalid Credentials”.
I am sure the talk2m account/username/credentials, and Developer ID is correct.

Do you have other Flexys that are able to successfully connect to the Data Mailbox right now? If so I would like to try grabbing a backup of one of those other Flexys and push it onto the one having issues to see if the problem remains

The other Flexy was successful before the new one started on customer site. Now it cannot push data either.

Tim, I am able to clean datamailbox now. I cleaned the eWon and updated the data again. However I still get the same fault message.
"DbMultiLineInserter ERROR Error inserting data :Failed to perform a multi-insert (after 1 inserts), the following errors occurred:[MySQL][ODBC 5.2(a) Driver][mysqld-5.6.16]Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (esync.esync_tagshistory, CONSTRAINT tag_history FOREIGN KEY (TagId) REFERENCES esync_tags (Id) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE)”

I think I might need to escalate this issue and check with some colleagues in Belgium.

Hi @dxttony,

Sorry about that I think I may have lost track of this ticket earlier, is this still an issue for you?

Hi @Tim_hms

You helped me reach out to your colleagues in Europe and the problem was resolved.

Thank you

Hi @dxttony
Thanks for the update!