eWON 4005CD Only local network?

Hi support mans

we have a very wide network. I cannot change the IP settings of my PLCs and programs.
i want to use the ewon 4005cd, which I used for internet access, on the company’s local network without an internet connection.
I don’t want to interfere with other IPs on the network. because uninformed IT element too. Very easy to use with ewonu ecatcher. because there is a connection wizard.
I tried to use the settings. I’m connected to the ewon. But I couldn’t reach my ewon LAN devices.

my current network

some of my settings
vpn protection
Networking security setup

I want my network to be accessible with a password and not to have IP conflicts.

Is it possible to use the ewonu without an internet? As vpn?
my network knowledge is not good. do you tell me step by step.


I cannot see any of the images you have attached but if you are able to connect through eCatcher but it is giving you an error message of not being able to reach your LAN devices then it is because one of the network adapters on your computer is in the same subnet is the ewon LAN. Inorder to access though devices you will have to either disable that adapter or change the subneting.

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Sory for images and I cannot use eCatcher. our compant dont use internet. I must use eWon wirhout internet

I have eWon 4005cd. I connected WAN port to customer network. customer network very big and dont use internet.
ewon has 2 plc and a webcam on the lan side
eWon wan ip Lan ip
PLC1 ip
PLC2 ip
Webcam ip 192.168.2005
my customer network using a lot of ip range (192.168.100.xxx , 192.0.4.xxx)
how to connect wan side to Lan side ?


Can you take a look at the document below and let me know if you have any questions

NAT 1to1 without vpn.docx (685.6 KB)

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