EWON Cosy 131 slow to connect WiFi w/iOS 15.1

We have identified a potential connection issue with version 15.2 of the Apple iOS when attempting to connect to a Cosy 131 through a hotspot WiFi connection. The connection will eventually establish, but it can take over 10 minutes to complete. We have tried power cycling to trigger the fallback immediately, but it still takes a very long time for the connection. The same configured Cosy 131 will connect almost immediately with a hotspot running iOS 14.7.1.

Has anyone else experienced this and found a solution?


We have not run into this problem before with IOS 15.2.

Have you reviewed the settings on the on the hotspot to for allowing connection? We have seen issues in the past with IOS because of their use with iPv6. Our devices use IPv4 only.


Thanks for the prompt response. I will run my network analyzer next time we connect and see if it is attempting iPv6



Let me know what the results are.