EWON COSY doesnt appears

Good afternoon to all, I hope you can help me with this problem.

This EWON COSY WIFI was working well at first, but someday it didn’t appear in eCatcher. When it happens I tried to connect remotely through TeamViewer and the computer of the customer to get access to the website of the EWON using an Ethernet cable, but it was impossible.

I tried to deactivate the firewall, I set the IP address of the ethernet adapter in the same network that the IP LAN of the EWON.

I used eBuddy in order to check the EWON but it didn’t appear.

I reset the ewon to factory and tried the IP LAN with not good results. The customer changed three times the ethernet cable, he changed the port connection. At this point, I didn’t know what to do next.

The LEDs from the EWON are in green (all of them)

I detected one issue. One co-worker edited the name of the Talk2M account and the EWON shows in its logs the event: Registration… After that, it is impossible to connect.

Is there any issue if the Talk2M account is edited? The EWON configurated lost their connection due to this new name? Please let me know. Thank you


is the computer directly connected to the unit on the LAN side? You will not be able to connect to the unit through the WAN network to the LAN side.

I would connect to the unit and use the System Wizard to designate the WAN port on the unit.

Hello, yes I have the computer directly connected to the LAN port of the EWON, the customer connected to the Port 1 and I indicated him how to change the IP address of the computer to match the network of the IP address of the ewon ( after the reset.

I type that address in the browser and I was not able to access the ewon.

If you are not going to use eBuddy, you will need to ensure the adapter is in the 10.0.0.x /24 range in order to communicate with the unit.

I would use eBuddy to verifiy if you can see the unit. Are you able to ping the IP?

Hi Kevin, thanks for your message.

First, I tried to find the Ewon using eBuddy without changing the adapter’s IP address. It did not appear. Next, I changed the IP address and typed into the Google Chrome search.

All the lights are in green. How much warrant does this equipment have?


The warranty periopd for our Ewon units is 36 months.

You can find our warranty information at the link below:


If you change the adapter IP to match the Ewon unit, are you able to ping the unit?

Hello Kevin,

No, I was unable to ping the unit after changing the adapter’s IP address to match the Ewon network.

When did you purchase this unit?

October, 2019

Hello Jose,

So those are still within the Warranty period.

Do you mind emailing me their serial numbers? You can email them to kann@hms.se

Hello Kevin, thank you for your message.
I already sent to you the information through email.

Issue resolved in Aux

Hello Kevin, I didn’t understand your message