eWon data usage billing vs data transfert


I would like to understand when and how data are billed to us when using eWON.

When exactly we are billed for data usage. Since the eWON is use as a gateway, il a computer from a lan port need to transfert data over internet in https, the traffic get out by the WAN port and then to internet. In this case are we build for data usage ?

My understanding is that we are builded once we establish a vpn connection to our device with ecatcher or talk2m.com website, as soon as a manuel connexion is establish we get build for data usage.

It is the way it works ?
Thank you

Hi @abouffard,

They are currently making a document to calculate the data usage, but here’s the information they gave me in the meantime

there is the keep alive which use data also it’s (When UDP is used):

Number of bytes used for an OpenVPN ping: 84 bytes
Number of bytes used for a TLS key negotiation: ± 6400 bytes in and 5800 bytes out

Quantity of data used for the maintain of the VPN connection during 1 hour:
Incoming traffic:
Ping: 60/10 * 60 * 84 = 30240
TLS negotiation = 6400
Total = 36640 bytes / hour

Outgoing traffic:
Ping: 60/10 * 60 * 84 = 30240
TLS negotiation = 5800
Total = 36040 bytes / hour

B) When TCP is used:
Number of bytes used for an OpenVPN ping: 110 bytes for the request and 55 bytes for the Ack
Number of bytes used for a TLS key negotiation: ± 12000 bytes in and 10000 bytes out

Quantity of data used for the maintain of the VPN connection during 1 hour:
Incoming traffic:
Ping: 60/10 * 60 * (110 + 55) = 59400
TLS negotiation = 12000
Total = 71400 bytes / hour

Outgoing traffic:
Ping: 60/10 * 60 * (110 + 55) = 59400
TLS negotiation = 10000
Total = 69400 bytes / hour

Hi Tim,
So whatever eCatcher our Talk2m web portail is used to establish VPN on demand connexion, we are billed for data usage. If during vpn communication, files are going through the VPN tunnel, we are billed for more data usage.
If a server has a cyclic data transfert job over internet, and that computer must go through the e-WON to access internet BUT we are not connected at that moment in VPN, we won’t be billed for the data transfert but if we establish VPN en demand with the e-won device and the cyclic data transfert happen during that time, we will be billed, is it the way it works ?
Thank you

I don’t think that it should end up using a lot of data if you’re not going through the VPN. If you’re just using the Ewon to give internet access to some devices I don’t think that should be sending data through our server. I’ll let you know when we have a more concrete version of how the data usage is calculated though

We have several sites using e-WON devices and we just finish October with 28gb of data transfert. So I just try to find the correct informaiton to teach our teams on how to do a better usage of this technology …

if you go to eCatcher and then go to account > credit and payments > connection report, it should show you at least which Ewon is using up data. Does it seem like one is using a lot more than the others?

Yes a few are using a lot of data like the 20/80 rule but I just want to understand if let say that on a site that were having 6gb of data transfert, if this data was initially transfered to the cloud instead of going through vpn on demand with the e-won, would this be lower or still the same ?

This is what I’ve heard back from my colleague on this:

The traffic which is taken into account for the VPN traffic is the following:

Inside the VPN tunnel (taken into account by the Talk2M VPN traffic):

  • Traffic related to the remote access itself: communication between PLC software and the PLC, remote camera display, etc.

  • Ewon KPI data (only when M2Web or eCatcher Mobile connection is active)

  • DataMailbox synchronisation

  • PLC discovery (if enabled on the Ewon side)

So I guess if you’re sending data to a cloud that’s not datamailbox and it’s not going through our VPN connection, then I don’t think it would use as much data.

I’m also working withs omebody that seems to be having issues with their device reaching our access servers that might be causing a high data usage. It may help if you can have them run the talk2m connection checker on their network and make sure all of these are passing.