Example configuration for lonworks


Could anyone share an example for Lonworks to bacnet intesis maps? the problem that i face is how to control curtain on/off. I have attach the controller xif file. If you could show me which parameter is controlling the curtain will be very beneficial. MOVED TO WHISPER


We do not have any specific examples of configuration for the Lonworks to IntesisMaps.

You can download the MAPS software at the link below. I have also have attached IntesisMaps download and device manuals.

I will check to see if i am able to view the configuration file


The .xif file what is this files used for, and did this come from the Intesis Unit?

Hi Kevin,

the xif file is from animeo lon devices.

i have imported xif file to intesis maps, however couldnt find the right register to control curtain. Dont know what could be the problem is that because of xif file or i chose the wrong register.


So it tried to load the XIF file, but We do not have the LonWorks hardware required for MAPS to connect to.

You will need to submit a ticket to to the following site


Our European office will be able to escalate this issue for you.