Export historical logging to xml file

Hi Team,

I’m trying to build a daily report which only have one historical tag to the local council.

my task is to send the report to council’s ftp server every day with a xml file in a format contain following element:

02/11/2022 00:00
100 20

03/11/2022 00:00
100 20


is Dateandtime, is tagvalue is quality.

I m new to BASIC script,I m ok with a simple script to send the report to the FTP server, but the challenge is export it to the format as described above.

I have read the webpage: Export files in XML | Ewon Developers
but TagSSI can only return current tag value, and by using ParamSSI with EBD will not give me the format I want.

Kinda of stuck in here, hope their is some helpful info here.

Thanks in advance

sorry about I didn’t write the format in code:

<S> <DT>02/11/2022 13:15</DT> <V>200</V> <Q>20</Q> </S>
<S><DT>03/11/2022 00:00</DT><V>100</V> <Q>20</Q> </S>
<!--where<DT>is Dateandtime, <V>is tagvalue .<Q>is quality-->

Hi AyaoG,

I recommend making a post on the Ewon TechForum, which is focused on providing support for more specialized programming projects on the Ewon, including pages generated using SSI tags. They will be more familiar with this system. Here’s a link to the relevant subforum: Ewon Technical Forum - Custom Web Pages/viewON/Talk2M Visualization

Best regards,

Thanks very much, i will try some luck over there. please close this topic.