Flexy 201 WAN troubleshooting

I can’t seem to connect my flexy 201 to my router via an ethernet connection. When I run the wizard it fails to detect a WAN connection. I’ve tried using a static IP as well as DHCP and have tried nearly all the ethernet ports on my unit and router - any help would be greatly appreciated


Have you connected at this location in the past and has the network or cables been updated? For a Flexy 201 the four ports on the left are LAN only ports so it needs a separate WAN extension card. If you could create a backup with support files included through eBuddy we can take a look at that.

I have an Ethernet Extension card and I was under the impression this was for the WAN connection via Ethernet. The black cable went to my PC and the blue cable went to my router. When I unplugged the black cable from the EWON and plugged it into my router, I was still able to find it with ebuddy, but it wasn’t able to establish a WAN / Internet connection.

If your able to plug the black ethernet cable into the router and still connect to the flexy then you likely have the LAN IP set in the same subnet as what you are trying to use as a WAN connection. this will cause a clash and you will not be able to get an internet connection. If you create a backup with support files we can look at the logs.


here are the support logs from this mornings attempt. I had both my PC and my EWON plugged into the router

Moved to notes


Could you create the backup using ebuddy and include support files? This backup is missing the log.

Here are the ebuddy files



So in the logs I am seeing a WAN LAN clash. Since the LAN is using 192.168.1.x as a subnet the WAN connection cannot be the same. If you change the LAN to something like 172.168.1.x you should be able to pass the internet wizard.