Flexy 205 freeze

Hi, I have a flexy 205 in the field that has twice frozen and required a power cycle to come back online. The communication is by 3G modem. Is there a reason that may help find what has caused this? I have photos of the modem lights in normaloperation as welll as frozen state that may help.


Can you attach the photos of the of LED’s?

Also create a backup with support files using eBuddy and attach those as well? I would like to review the event logs and configuration.

Hi Kevin,

Thanks for the reply.

I’m sorry I can’t provide a backup because the unit has gone offline again.

Attached are the pictures of the LED.

I will get a backup when I can get the power cycled again.



Hi Kevin,

I have been trying to send you the backup file but it appears your server is blocking the file.




The expansions card indicates very low cellular signal.

As for the backup, can you message me and attach it? It is odd that it isn’t attaching to your reply.

Hi Kevin,

I get the following message if I attach the file.

mx.google.com rejected your message to the following email addresses:

hms.how (hmsamericasts+69336195f35dd22c83035fbf741f4fa9@gmail.com)

Your message wasn’t delivered because the recipient’s email provider rejected it.

mx.google.com gave this error:

This message was blocked because its content presents a potential security issue. Please visit https://support.google.com/mail/?p=BlockedMessage to review our message content and attachment content guidelines. l4si16237982wrn.323 – gsmtp

How do I send the file to you directly?



YOu can click on my image and select message.

Or send me an email with it as an attachment. kann@hms.se


I was able to get the backup.

I did see a few issues with you device. Youre GSM levels are very low. Also, can you stop the script? I would like to see if the thre freezing is being caused by the scripting

Hi Kevin,

Try this link.




Hi Kevin,

It is quite possible that the problems we are having are related to signal strength. I don’t believe that the unit is actually freezing. I did monitor the Flexy throughout the day and found that the signal was intermittent during the morning and was quite good during the afternoon which could possibly be influenced by weather such as early fog. The tower providing the signal is about 6km away from the site.

We may need to find a suitable antennae with a better strength.



Keep us updated if the better antennae does not work.