Flexy log file gap / muting pattern?

I have a system that had some issues from the 29th to the 3rd. The PLC sends periodic emails and the customers wasn’t receiving them during this time. I suspect the issue is in the PLC and not the eWON but I want to verify that. Event log attached.

The unit looks like it was rebooted the afternoon of the 3rd and that’s when the PLC/emails started working again. The ecatcher log shows it went offline and back online every day around 9:30am, including from the 29th to the 3rd (because the max call duration is 24 hours, it goes on and off once a day). The log file is consistent with this, except that there seems to be a gap at that time:

That is to say, the eCatcher log shows the eWON going on and offline every 24 hours as normal through the holiday weekend, but the Flexy event log seems to have a gap. Any idea why? I’m not sure what the muting pattern means.

Events.htm (283.1 KB)

Hi @tomgiorgio ,

The logs will condense event messages if the same messages are repeated several times in a row. Looking at your logs it looks like your logs condenses the VPN opening and closing. After it repeated several times with out other logs in-between. It looks like this set of messages was muted.
