Flexy205 Access Ewon webserver and viewon via WAN side

I have a customer that would like to access viewon pages via the WAN side of the flexy. Is this possible? do I need to change anything. Here is my current setup.
Wan IP Address
LAN IP/Mask​/​

My main viewon page is:

I was hoping I could simply change it to:

Second question. There is a chance that the WAN IP will change, is there a way to use a name (DNS) or keep a constant IP address on the wan side (NAT, port forwarding, etc…) that I can setup during install?


In order to access the LAN side of the Ewon from the WAN, you will need to set up NAT1:1. You will have to MAP the Flexy LAN IP to a WAN IP. This would be different from the WAN IP of the Flexy. NAT 1to1 without vpn.docx (685.6 KB)

As the IP is static, you will not be able to link to a hostname within the Flexy. You can use M2Web to connect through the VPN, and with hostnames.

The attached document link says… “Oops! That page doesn’t exist or is private”
Can you make it available? thanks


My apologies.

NAT 1to1 without vpn.docx (686.3 KB)

Alternatively, you can also set the WANItfProt to 2, to allow all traffic from the WAN to the LAN side.

Please be advised is does allow all access to the Ewon unit.