Flexy205 - Create File at sdext


i’m trying to create an file at /usr/SDext/. (SD-Card inserted…):

Open “file:/usr/SDext/logging1.csv” For Binary Output As 1

But im getting an Error:
I0 Error (33) 10 : Open “file:/usr/SDext/logging1 .csv” For Binary Output As 1

What am I’m doing wrong? (file:/usr/logging1.csv is working, but not on the SD-Card…)

Is the SD card recognized and working as an EUM card? If so, you’ll be able to connect to the Ewon via FTP and see the directory /usr/sdext. You can also see the available capacity under Diagnostic → Status → System Counters → Memory Information, under SDExtTotal and SDExtFree.

If the card is not recognized and available, you can follow this guide to set up an SD card appropriately for this use case: AUG-0069-00 - Extend the Ewon user directory memory with the EUM card