Flexy205 & ViewON a technical inquiry


I am using Flexy205 and ViewON to communicate with Omron PLC in the Fins.

I would like to ask if it is possible to implement the project technically.

First of all, I want to know if the Integrator and Floating data types can be expressed in units when mapping in ViewON.

Example) 7000 -> 7000

Second, you cannot enter non-English languages in Tag Description items when using Flexy at this time.

Supporting interface windows is not important, but not being able to enter non-English languages in Description can cause a lot of inconvenience for non-engineers to monitor.

I’d like to ask if I can apply in the future.

Thank you. Have a nice day.

Example) 7000 -> 7,000

Hello @Hojin,

We do not have a way to format the number automatically.

I have forwarded the request along for non-English characters in the descriptions.


Discussing this with my colleagues this is due to the ewon using ANSI vs UTF8. We are already investigating upgrading to UTF8 for future hardware releases.


Thanks, i will wait for

So…Can I change Language by using ViewON latter?
To do so, can I register two or more languages, not just in ViewON, but also in Flexy in the future?

It might be too early to say. Right now they are investigating allowing the use of UTF8 characters in future hardware. We do not know if and how this will be integrated into viewon.