Hardware Comparison

Is there a side-by-side comparison somewhere that shows the features of the 3 hardware platforms (Flexy, Cosy, Netbiter)? I’m trying to decide which is the best fit for my application.


What kind of application are you looking to use an ewon on? Are sales team should be able to help with a comparison.

Remote Access to an Allen Bradly PLC/HMI Control System.

A Side-by-Side document or web page would be helpful.



Hi Les,

My name is Nolan and I work in Inside Sales at HMS. Unfortunately, we don’t have a document that compares these options side by side but we would be happy to talk through this with you and work with you to figure out which solution best fits your application. Please give us a call at 312-829-0601 or send us an email at us-sales@hms-networks.com.
