How do I make a M2Web call to get a list of ewons for a particular pool on a PRO account?

How do I make a M2Web call to get a list of ewons for a particular pool on a PRO account?

Hi @anontywdfuin

The following api call will do what you are looking for.

Note at the end the &pool=poolname parameter. Just update to have your poolname.


Do you have any sample python code to take the reply from this webcall and get the list into some sort of array?

Hi @anontywdfuin

Below is a simple python program that will return a list of all ewons in the defined pool when you call getEwonByPool.

Please note: This code is provided as is

import requests

accountInfo = ""
devicesInfo = ""

account = "Your account"
username = "Your username"
password = "Your password"
developerId = "Your developerId"
poolName = "Pool you want" #This is case sensitive!

# Retrieve the pool id required by the api call based on 
# the pool name. 
# returns int
def getPoolId(name):
    r =, data={
    't2maccount' : account, 
    't2musername' : username,
    't2mpassword' : password,
    't2mdeveloperid' : developerid

  data = r.json()
  for pool in data['pools']:
      if pool['name'] == name:
          return pool['id']

# Retrieve the eWON list by the pool id
# returns JSON array of eWONs in the pool
def getEwonByPool():
  poolid = getPoolId(poolName)
  r =, data={
    't2maccount' : account, 
      't2musername' : username,
      't2mpassword' : password,
      't2mdeveloperid' : developerid,
      'pool' : poolid
  return r.json()

# Test our call

I hope this helps! sandbox

Thanks Jordan