Memory Allocation for Logging

I am planning on logging data to a SD card with Java as backup to a server connection. However, I am logging a large number of values on deadband, so I don’t want to just report the data on a fixed interval. I would like to report the data based on consumption of the historical logging memory on the Flexy.

Where can I find how much memory is currently being consumed by historical logging? I saw on another post that the logging is saved in the root file and so total memory use must be looked at. However, I erased the historical recording file (ircall.bin) and then refilled the Flexy memory and the only memory values I have seen change on system counters are:

  • NbFreeChunk
  • TotalAllocSpace
  • TotalFreeSpace

However, the most any of these values changed in the course of circularizing 19 MB of recording memory was by 60KB. Also the erasure didn’t affect this value, making me think that something else consumed this 60KB of data. Where can I find the current memory consumption of the historical logging file?

I think that this post would probably give you the best idea on how much memory is being used by historical logging and should help you calculate how long you’d be able to record before FIFO starts to come into play

I understand the memory restrictions and how to calculate these values. The problem is that deadband logging is not deterministic, and the worst case scenario is also very unrealistic and would result in tons of files getting written to the SD card. I need a way to monitor the actual consumption of the memory by the logging. How can I do this? Thanks for the help!

It looks like with the SD card each 1000 of the SDExtFree is the equivalent of 1MB so it should be able to be calculated that way

    SDCardSize$ = GETSYS INF, "SDExtFree"
    SDCardSize_Int% = Val  SDCardSize$
    IF SDCardSize_Int% > 5000 THEN   // 5 MB remains
       EBD_STRING$ = "$dtHL$ftT$st_h4$et_s0"
       FILENAME$ = "/usr/sdext/DataReport" + TIME$ + ".txt"
      ActionID% = GETSYS Prg, "ACTIONID"
      LOGEVENT "EUM Card full or not present", -1

Sorry for the confusion, I’m wondering about the memory consumed onboard the flexy in historical logging. I need this so I can know how frequently to log to the SD card (and delete the files from the flexy itself).

Hi Ice,

Sorry, from what they told me there’s not really a way to tell how full the internal memory is for historical logging

Got it, thanks for the heads up. Is there a mechanism for requesting features in future releases? I’d love to request this and the array access I also inquired about on the developer forums.

Hi Ice,

Sorry for the delay, I’ll talk with the developers and let them know about your request

Thanks Tim! Specifically, I think I would prioritize the ability to access array variables over that feature request. I mentioned this on the developer website, but I’m not sure what is the best channel to report that request. My post on the developer website is here: