Netbiter tank level sensor modbus connection

how to connect tank level sensor via modbus on flexy203

Hi Kuzo,

Is this a serial Modbus device or Ethernet?


Hi Kuzo,

Here’s a var_lst file that you can push to the Flexy so that you wont’ need to make all of the tags for the Netbiter device. You should just need to go on using something like Filezilla and write the var_lst.csv file to the root* folder of the flexy.

var_lst.csv (2.2 KB)

This user manual for the tank sensor aswell.


Its a serial rs485 device. Ok what i am trying to do is connect the netbiter tank level sensor to flexy 203 via serial communication rs485.

Thanks Tim you are a lifesaver. How do i use the var_list to push the tags into flexy, isnt the any steps i can follow.

Thanks in advance.

Hello @Kuzo,

While the tank sensor works great with the flexy you will need to keep in mind the sensor was originally intended for the Netbiter. This is why the user guide does not provide instructions specific for the flexy setup/configuration. With this in mind most of the directions can be followed.

The var_list can be FTP’d onto the root of the flexy. When the flexy sees the new file it will run a background process to import the tags. You can use windows explorer or FileZilla to FTP the file. Once the file is on the flexy and processes you should see the tags in the tag section of the Flexy. You will need to make sure you setup the MODBUS IO server so topic A is configured for the Tank sensor.

These tags should include the key tags you need to setup the sensor. Such as the tank type and dimensions. If additional parameters are needed you can take a look at the following XML file that is used in Argos for the Netbiter. Using a xml viewer will help viewing it. ultrasonic-tank-sensor-v1-0-pv1-0.xml (7.5 KB) .