We have an ewon cosy 131 WiFi. firmware rev 13, level 2 resets have been done. it consistently fails to set up. the WAN connection gets a big green tick, but the internet connection fails.
We’re giving it a static IP, a standard mask of, the default gateway is on the same network.
We’ve tried our local DNS, and googles ( but it always says it has no route to connect to anything.
Interesting points:
even though we’re telling it to use wifi & static, the logs show it’s trying to receive a DHCP address on the physical WAN port.
our company firewall has been opened up for this to see if that was at issue - no change.
my laptop can connect to the internet when on the same wifi, gateway & DNS as the cosy, but the cosy cannot
my data guys cannot see the cosy from their scanning tools or even ping it from the core equipment on site even though we’re giving it an available IP address (1 exception to this, they were doing a continuous ping to it and getting no response, i initiated a tracert from my laptop to the cosy and this woke it up briefly and their ping’s were replied.
Any & all help appreciated
P.S. I don’t suppose theres a command line interface hidden away anywhere I could use instead of the wizards?