Not able to adjust DNS value of eWON


I want to adjust my DNS settings, ethDNS1 and ethDNS2. Im adjusting these settings in the storage -> edit COM cfg screen. I click save after I changed the DNS value’s and then reboot the eWON. However, after rebooting, the DNS value is not the same as the value I set it to, but it’s the old value again. How is this possible?

The reason I want to try a different DNS is because im having MQTT connect issue when trying to send data from my eWON to our cloud.

Best regards,

Most likely you are acquiring DNS through DHCP. You can disable this by unchecking the box in the Internet Wizard, or by setting:

EthDNSAuto to 0 (for Ethernet)


WifiDNSAuto to 0 (for WiFi)

in comcfg.txt.

This indeed worked !

However I still have the MQTT issue after adjusting the DNS.

Have you opened a case yet? If not, I would recommend going to and creating a case so someone from your local HMS office can take a look at it for you.