What does LOGEVENT do?
Can i change with PRINT?


Log event will write to the eventlogs page.


Almack is what’s used to acknowledge an individual tag and also needs to know which user is acknowledging this.

what is the value you had for a$ at the time when you ran this code?

Print will just write to the console in the BASIC section, but if that’s what you’d prefer you can do that as well

a$ = Getsys Prg,“smsmsg”

I mean if you go into the console and run

print a$

What do you get for a value

The message that i write in my mobile, but the function ALMACK put me a error
not a variable ALMACK a$,"". This is for not specifying the user?

Do you have a tag that matches what you wrote from your mobile number?

Take a look at the syntax for the almack above. if a$ is the first parameter for the Almack, then you need to write the name of the tag, or the ID/index of that tag

Yes, i know, but i have 300 alarms… i don’t put this in 300 alarms… I can, but is bad solution no?

What I mean is that is that the way you have it written right now, the message that you send from your phone to the Flexy needs to be the name of the tag that’s in error for this code above to work

If the EWON has an active alarm, I can’t know the tag of that alarm to put it to the ALMACK?

If you want to acknowledge alarms by receiving SMS with and just do a blanket ALMACK for every tag, then you’d need to change the way that the code is written.

You could alarm that you send to your phone tell you what tag is in alarm though. Or setup the tags to auto acknowledge when they go back into normal operating value

Sorry for not answering, I’m a bit busy. If someone does not respond, does it take a long time to close a post?

That’s ok,

We usually wait around a week before closing out a post if we haven’t heard back from the customer. But you can always reply to the original ticket and we can reopen it.


The message that reaches the mobile is this =>

The alarm (<# TAGNAME #>) has been activated at <# ALARMSTARTTIME #>
Additional information: <# ALARMHINT #>

How do I indicate that tag in the onSMS?
If I indicate it, would ALMACK work in a general way?

If you want to do this in a generic way, you’d need to write it so that it will parse the data that comes into the Flexy with the ONSMS. Then you’d need to have the device check through all of the tags to see if the name matches the one that you’re sending the acknowledgement for. Otherwise you’ll need to do a series of if statements where it will say if the message says that specific tag name, then acknowledge that specific message. Or if you want it to just acknowledge all of them, you could just do a general almack for every tag.