OnSms event not workin

Hello team,

I’m tring to write some scripts for my customer using the event “onsms”.

After several failed attempts i just cut and paste the example in the basic documentation of ewon and still don’t works

ONSMS “Goto Hsms”
a% = GETSYS PRG, “SmsRead”
IF (a%<>0) THEN
s% = s%+1
PRINT "SMS Nr: " ; s%
f$ = GETSYS PRG, “smsfrom”
PRINT "From: " ; f$
a$ = getsys prg,“smsmsg”
PRINT "Message: " ; a$
b$ = f$ + “,gsm,0”
c$ = "Message received: " + a$
sendsms b$, c$
goto HSms

With a custom function I forced the ewon to send me an sms to my phone to check the number was correct and could send sms from it. The Ewon send sms for this test.

I tried in 2 different flexy 205, diferent sim with the last firmware and i don’t get any sms when i text to the ewon or in the console.



Hi BR,

What provider are you using for your 3G/4G connection, and what region are you located in? I’ve seen some strange behavior with receiving text messages in the central untied states.


Hello Tim,

Sorry I’m new coding in Basic and Put the OnSms behind the end in the init section.

You can close the ticket.



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Ok glad to hear it’s working!