Problem with AB9000 gateway-Omron NX controller EtherCAT -Modbus


I have problem with Gateway AB9000 EtherCat-Modbus-TCP. I am using an Omron NX controller. The controller does not want to establish communication with the gateway. I have tried ESI file ABXS_ECT_V_3_22_Fixed_PDO_256bytes_for_OMRON_1.xml but with no luck as well with this gateway. Maybe can you help?

Hello @Arkadiusz,

I’m not familiar with The Omron error codes do you have any further details about the fault? Is it just saying it is disconnected or are there other details? Searching the event code didn’t bring up any results.

Have you tried the ESI file we have on the files and documentation page?



I have problem with Gateway AB9000 EtherCat-Modbus-TCP. I am using an Omron NX controller. The controller does not want to establish communication with the gateway. I have tried ESI file ABXS_ECT_V_3_22_Fixed_PDO_256bytes_for_OMRON_1.xml but with no luck. Maybe can you help?
fault fault3 fault2

Hello @Arkadiusz,

The additional images in this post seem to indicate an issue with the ESI file. Let me know if the ones directly from the Files and Documents page has the same issue.


Hi Deryc,

Thank you for your answer.

Yes, ESI file comes from AB9000 product page.
There is no errors in ESI library, but I think this can be similar problem to this topic:
Problem with AB7685 gateway-Omron controller Ethercat master connected with x-gateway ,
because AB9000 ESI file dosn’t have a PDO map settings, and file from topic above has. Please check attached images.


Hi Arkadiusz,

I haven’t been able to track down a gateway to test this on but we can try using our ESI generator for our compact com devices.

There is a step by step guide in the help menu. This should generate a new esi file for how the module is set up.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Hi Deryck,

I have tried with ESI generator but it gives me fault (I have tried with all networks and all RJ45 inputs on the gateway). I tried also to add PDO map settings similar to this file
ABXS_ECT_V_3_22_Fixed_PDO_256Bytes_for_omron_1 ESI, unfortunately with no luck. Any suggestions?

Make sure you are going to an ethernet port directly in your PC. This will happen if you are going though a switch; even using a USB ethernet adapter can have this issue.


Hi Deryck,

I am now after my holiday and I have tested again the connection with the gateway. I have created a new ESI file using ESI file generator. I have now connection what is very good news.

I have one more question. In the gateway, is there any limitation to send real values (float) unless I use all memory?

I am not sure I understand this question. Are you referring to the ability to write them on the modbus TCP side?

I will try to explain.
On my PLC (EtherCAT side) I have floating-point values (tag1-0.67, tag2-3.4, tag3-100.876…) and I would like to read those values on Modbus TCP side and do calculations. And after this, save calculated values under new tags on Modbus device (tag10, tag11, tag12). And I want to read those calculated values from Modbus and use it back on EtherCAT device.
My question is If there is a possibility to transfer floating-point values through the gateway and do the gateway have any limitation in this?

Hi @Arkadiusz,

You can transfer floats without issue. Keep in mind that Modbus doesn’t have direct support for 32bit values as it breaks data up in to 16 bit (2 byte) registers. This isn’t an issue for the gateway but you might need to keep it in mind as this can effect byte order. This is handled in modbus by reading in 2 registers giving you the 32bits of the float. The Gateway will automatically read 2 registers if you set it to read a 32 bit value.

Let me know if this helps or if you still have questions.


I do not found the software "HMS EtherCAT ESI configure

I have 140 pcs of AB9000. and this software should be valuble


The esi generator is not required to be used with the AB9000, but in some situations is can be helpful.

If you would like to use the generator you can download the ESI generator via the following link.

Hi @Deryck ,

I want to let you know that I have tested Ethernet IP scanner to Profinet and Ethernet IP slave to Modbus TCP Slave gateways and it works. The first issue I had it was a driver issue (ver1 I replaced to ver3 from another product). Everything now is ok, only one thing is that Gateways swap bytes and it needs to be fixed in a PLC by coding. Thanks for your help.

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Hi @Arkadiusz,

Thanks for following up glad to hear it is working. If you still need to swap the endianess you can change the data encoding at the transaction level. This will swap the bytes in the gateway. image