Problem with IPconfig Software

I am trying to change the IP address of an AnyBus Ethernet IP Slave card AB4173 with IPcong.

When I connect and scan I do not see the slave card.

The only time I can see the card when I scan is right after it is initiated and then I only have a short time before I can change the IP address. Sometime I can do it and then sometime it did not make it in time.

What do I need to do to be able to consistently scan for the card and get it

I am using Windows 7

DO I need any special setting of my network adapter that will make it work better


The main requirement to make IPconfig work is that you have port 3250 open in your firewall. You can try selecting a specific Network Interface Card in the settings for IP config (although this should not matter).

Also, make sure you are using the latest version,

The most important thing I will mention though is that it is possible the company that integrated disabled the ability to use IPconfig. Sometimes they do this for security or proprietary reasons. For this reason you may want to check with them to make sure it is supposed to work.

Best regards,

Thank you

The one issue with your answers is why I can see it and change it for a short time. I would think that the firewall would block it all the time


Yes, I would not expect that to happen. I have not seen this behavior reported elsewhere. Could there be an issue with your network interface card? Do you always see a link light present on your PC and Anybus?

Best regards,

Typically I will not be able to see anything in the scan when the computer icon in the lower right corner that indicate a computer with a yellow triangle that indicates No Internet access. Before that the icon is just a computer. I also cannot scan when the icon is a compet with spinning circle that indicates Identifying network.


Have you verified what version of the IPconfig software you are using? I might suggest trying to reinstall regardless.

This software is very simple so other than making sure the correct ports are open and making sure the NICs available work are mostly the only troubleshooting steps. You could try a different PC as well.

Best regards,

I have tried version, and and they all had the same issues. I have install and uninstalled each version that I tested.

I have asked my IT department to see if they can set my firewall (F-secure) so I can open port 3250.

My next step is to use my home computer that I control the firewall.

Would you expect from me to be able to open port 3250 without have to go to Windows firewall and open the port. I have Windows 10 on my home computer?


With this other PC I would expect the port to already be open, so you likely will not have to do anything. Windows 10 will not be a problem.

It might also be worth checking with the vendor who has the Anybus card on their device, just in case you are not supposed to use IPconfig with their device.

Best regards,

We are the vendor and we have used the IPcong tool in the past.

I know in the past that I have issue with IPcong and our firewall and as soon as I used my home computer, it worked fine.

I am also trying to change the IP address on a device that I had already changed the IP address in the past

Ok, I am glad you are confident it will work with the other PC. Hopefully your IT department will be able to allow the ports.dependencies needed to use IPconfig.

Best regards,

I now can consistently scan and find the Anybus Slave card so I can change the IP address

The problem was with the Intel Dual Band Wireless. When this is disabled I have problem finding the slave card. When it is enabled, I do not have any problem.

Screenshot with Intel Dual Band Wireless enabled

Screenshot with Intel Dual Band Wireless enabled

The Dual Band Wireless connection is controlled by a program called DWMWLanDisabler

I am not sure exactly why I have the problem, but I have tested it several times and on two computers that I use and I get the same results.

Thanks for your help

Thank you for providing this information, it should prove helpful for future inquiries.

This does make some sense almost all issues that occur with IPConfig have to do with port 3250 or some issue with the NIC configuration in a PC.

Best regards,