Read and write to tags Flexy 205 from with no internet

I’m trying to communicate with the Ewon Flexy 205 wit no internet connection from

The Ewon can be Pinged.
the adm account can be logged in to manually.

if I run the following

Process.Start(“http://adm:adm@”) in an attempt to read TAG TEST001 the browser responds with the following:

Access Error: Unauthorized

when trying to obtain /rcgi.bin/vows/readVars?%20vars=TEST001
Access to this document requires a User ID

I was actually hoping to access the Ewon using the built in TCP functions of dot net but always get an error “The requested address is not valid in its context”

Any help would be greatly appriciated.


I am not familiar with the readVars command where were you seeing this being used? You can read the tag values with. /rcgi.bin/ParamForm?AST_Param=$dtIV$ftT This will give you a CSV file you could parse for the tag data.

You might also be able to use the SSI option as seen in the web reference guide.




I tried using the following command


and get the following error.
Access Error: Unauthorized
when trying to obtain /rcgi.bin/ParamForm?AST_Param=$dtIV$ftT

Access to this document requires a User ID

The adm account exists and can be logged in to, could it be something in the settings that is causing the problem? or possibly the browser being used?
(Edge Chromium)

FYI the readvars command was give to me by by a ‘Senior Technical Service Engineer’ at HMS Industrial Networks LTD, when I put in a support call.

Kind Regards,


As a matter of interest i tried using IE in an attempt to rule out browser issues.

returned a web site can not be found error.

when I tried$dtIV$ftT
a windows username and password dialog was displayed, not the normal ewon web style login page. Entering the username and password manually resulted in the csv being generated!

It seems that for some reason the username and password are not being pased when in the string after the http//


Hi Mitchellgr

This post is pretty old but I was wondering if u got to resolve your issue?

I’m trying to code a KPI HMI (scada like) in VB.NET but I have no knowledge about EWON.

Thanks for your answer if you read this!


I am not sure if much more was done here on the issue. You may find more details on or on the ewon tech forum.