Receive a history email once a week

Good evening,
I need to receive a history email once a week (eg every Monday) how can I do it?
I managed to receive an email quotisien by this script:
( l$=""
For i%=12 To 19 Step 1
Next i%

If l$=“23:08:00” Then
zz1@=1 Else

If zz1@=1 Then
Sendmail “”, “”, “hist_data”, “&[$dtHT$ftT$fnlog.csv]”
Endif )


You should be able to do this by using the function ONDATE seen below from the Program Reference Guide:

RG-006-0-EN-(Programming Reference Guide).pdf (865.6 KB)


you should be able to do this by setting the ondate to “MM HH DD MMM DDD” where the mm is the minute you want to send it, the hh is the hour you want to send, and the DDD is the day of the week. For example if you want to send it at 12:30 every Monday, it would be this

ONDATE ,“30 12 * * mon”,“goto function”

it’s ok, thanks for your support

You’re welcome,

Let me know if you run into any issues with the code for this.
