SIM Card phone number EWON

Is it possible to find out the phone number of the SIM card that’s installed within a Ewon Cosy 131?
We have a couple of SIMS we need to identify which device they are in.


SIM cards aren’t permanently assigned a phone number. You have an ICCID which is the permanent identifier of the SIM card and IMEI which is the permanent identifier of the hardware (in this case, the Ewon).

The phone number is assigned by the mobile network and for IOT there may not even be a phone number.

Can you explain what you are trying to achieve by doing this? Do you need to know which mobile carrier plan a certain device is using?


Hi Jack,

We have 3 SIMS out in the field which are due for renewal. We need to find out which device is using which SIM card.
Is there a way to get identifying SIM numbers from the EWON by accessing remotely?

I’m still trying to confirm this but you should be able to see the ICCID by doing this:

For Flexy:
In the web interface, left side menu, click “Files Transfer”. Click on “estat.htm” then find the parameter called GsmCCID.

For Cosy:
You have to dig a bit more. In the web interface, left side menu, click “Support Files”. It will trigger a file download. Extract the files then open with Notepad. If you do ctrl+f you can search for the parameter GsmCCID.

Let me know if that works for you.


This works for the Flexy, the IMEI number there aswell which im sure will be on the paper work.

Cosy extracted file has no information attached to the parameters.

Can you send a backup with support files for the Cosy?

Also, are you sure this device is using cellular? It’s possible there was a mix-up or it could be using wired Ethernet and have no SIM card installed.


Thanks Jack, The solution works for both my Cosy and Flexy. :+1:

Do you know what the issue was with the Cosy?