System variables

Are there, or will there be, any system variables other than IP address accessible via the EBD calls?

I can check. Is there anything specific that you are looking for?

Specifically, to obtain geolocation information about our devices. For example, I can query the estat.htm file and obtain information related to the connected cell tower which, I believe, can then be used to approximate the location of the device:


It would be helpful to just query the GsmCellId and GsmLAC values. I have researched whether this is doable by making a similar API call to eCatcher but it seems to not be possible.

Overall, only being able to query the IP address system variable of the unit seems quite limiting.

You could take any of those values and put them in a tag on a Flexy if you wanted to. You can actually use the BASIC IDE to retrieve any values in estat.htm (or config.txt, comcfg,txt, etc.) See section 3.31 of the BASIC Programming Guide.

here are the scripts


GsmCellId$ = GETSYS INF,“GsmCellId”

GsmOpId$ = GETSYS INF,“GsmOpId”

Mcc$ = GsmOpId$(1 To 3)

Mnc$ = GsmOpId$(4 To 5)

Mnc% = VAL Mnc$

Mnc$ = STR$ Mnc%


PRINT GsmCellId$ + “,” + GsmOpId$ + “,” + Mcc$ + “,” + Mnc$


JsonTosend$ = ‘{’

JsonTosend$ = JsonTosend$ + ‘“cellTowers”: [’

JsonTosend$ = JsonTosend$ + ‘{’

JsonTosend$ = JsonTosend$ + ‘“cellId”:’+GsmCellId$+’,’

JsonTosend$ = JsonTosend$ + ‘“locationAreaCode”: ‘+GsmOpId$+’,’

JsonTosend$ = JsonTosend$ + ‘“mobileCountryCode”: ‘+Mcc$+’,’

JsonTosend$ = JsonTosend$ + '“mobileNetworkCode”: '+Mnc$

JsonTosend$ = JsonTosend$ + ‘}’

JsonTosend$ = JsonTosend$ + ‘]’

JsonTosend$ = JsonTosend$ + ‘}’

Print JsonTosend$

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Thanks for sharing this! I’ll have to try it out!