Tag modbus error

hello I use a flexy module to send alarms SMS I work in modbus and I encounter errors …
indeed a tag will be valid in 10005 but will not be valid in 10006 same for other value I tried 10650
10443 etc
still conforms to my PLC but some works and the other puts all the other tags in errors someone would have an idea?
knowing that certain tag works


Have you toggled “Disable Tags in Error” in the IO Server menu? It could be 1 or 2 tags throwing the rest in error.

Can you provide a backup with support files of the unit as well? This can be done using eBuddy.

thanks for you answer !
I have test disable tags but its same
yes i canMOVED TO STAFF NOTE (402 KB)

I would advise updating the firmware to our latest release of 14.2. This will need to be done sequentially 13->14->14.2

I do seee some COMM failures, and device failures. Are the register addresses accurate? Have you tried swapping out the comm cable?

the cable is operational because already changed, then the module works well for up to two days
yes the tags correspond well with the PLC i have test different adress for find a problem

Were you able to update the firmware?

no but before that worked now the tag works why I don’t know … but I have a gsm6 error …


So looking through the back up some more. I do see another issue.

You have some code in the Cyclic Section of the BASIC IDE. We recommend not to use this section for programming. I would move the code to the top of the Init section. This can interfere with functionality of the unit.

Once you update the firmware, and move the code. Please let me know if issues still occur.

Hello Alpha,

Is this issue still on going?