There is an overlap

Hi, within our company we use several eWons.
Today after installing a new laptop I can connect to all of them but everyone shows a warning: there is an overlap between you rmachine network and your PC network.
Then I can’t connect to any device connected to the eWon. The help suggest adding devices with the Add LAN device but after reconnecting it shows a red cross that the device is unreachable.

A lot of suggestions on this forum said that the machine and PC network have the same ip-range. But I’ve checked and this is not the case.

eCatcher: Address:
WiFi: Address:

So as of now I’m out of options on what to do. If anyone has any ideas please let me hear


It’s not the eCatcher address that is conflicting. It’s the LAN address on the Cosy and the network your device is connecting to. I suspect that the LAN address starts with 172.16.x.x. You can add devices in eCatcher as a workaround, but if a device on your local network has the same IP, you will still have a conflict.
