Unable to disconnect from other computer

I’m using the ecatcher quite frequently, at some point i got the message “you are already connected to Talk2M from another computer”, the problem is that the “disconnect me from other computer” button doesn’t seem to perform any action so i cant access my device.
Please Advise

What version of eCatcher are you using?

What is the T2M account name?

I’m using 6.5.2 version. the account name is: LabOwl

There are currently 3 connections using the username vronchetti.

Would you like me to disconnect them?

Hi Kyle,
Does vronchettineed to be disconnected from the system in order for me to access the system?

Well that was my concern, that you have too many users on eCatcher at the same time. I was checking if it’s ok to try disconnecting them so you can try to connect, but it looks like they are no longer connected now. Can you still not connect?

Yes, It’s still not working

Can you please restart eCatcher and try again?

It Doesn’t help. i still need to push the “disconct me from the other computer” and pushing it doesn’t work

At this point, the only known workaround for this issue is to create a new admin account in eCatcher. (you may or may not need to delete the old one.) Engineers are working on a fix and I should have an update tomorrow morning.

okay thank you very much, i’m waiting for an update

It’s working now. thank you

Thank you for the update!

you wellcome