Using local network an ecatcher

good evening, can we use a flexy 205 on a local network
and ecatcher for a remote connection?

Thank you



Just for more information what are you trying to do with this setup? Is it the actual flexy you are trying to connect to locally or is it the devices on the LAN side of the device you are trying to access?

Good evening, in fact I connect to devices on the lan locally and I wonder if I can connect to the Ewon either via Ecatcher or Efive.
on my lan normally yes but without putting my lan in danger !!

Thank you

If your on the LAN side you can get to the eWON device through eBuddy or typing the device LAN IP into a web browser. If you connect through eCatcher while on the same subnet as the LAN side of the eWon you will not be able to access the LAN devices through eCatcher.

Thank you very much, and if I connect via the EFIVE?

To access the device through eFive you can use eGrabit.

thank you so much

