Verizon 4g really slow

Hi Guys,
I have a flexy with a version 4g sim card, and both antennas available for the flexy. Im currently seeing ping times of 400+ ms to lan devices when using vpn. Is there anyway to decrease these times?

also is there a best practice to be able to rdp into a computer connected to the lan port? Is RDP or vnc better?

Hi Jose,

What do you get for GSMSignal in the Flexy? (In ‘Diagnostic → Files Transfer → estat.htm’ under the name GsmSignal, there will be a value representing signal strength from 0 to 31, which 18 being the recommended minimum for a stable connection.) This is the most important factor in the ping time.

Which antenna are you using? Does it have an extension cable? Is the Flexy inside a cabinet or is the antenna obstructed by any dense material, like metal or concrete?

If you can answer the following questions, I can check to see if you are not using the optimal VPN server (The server is selected automatically by where you create your account, so this can be affect ping times if you create the account in one country and have the Ewon in a completely different area):

  1. Where is the Flexy located?

  2. Where are you connecting to it from?

  3. What is the serial number?

The best remote access protocol is dependent on a number of factors. Typically, for Windows applications, I’d recommend RDP, and for Linux, I’d recommend VNC, but there are other factors. This article has more info: VNC vs RDP: Similarities and Differences

Best Regards,

Kyle Reynolds

this is the signal strength.

The flexy is on a bench test in my office with the antenna mounted next to a window using version 4g sim. And I am connecting from my office network.

I got the other antenna from the distributor as well , its smaller L shaped one.

the serial number is : [moved to staff note]

Thank you. Your account was set to use VPN servers in the EU. I switched it to a US VPN server, so you should see better performance now.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best Regards,

Kyle Reynolds

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I already see an improvement, is there any other configuration i should do to minimize network lag?

Thanks!!! Should i specify to the distributor where future products are going to be hosted or is it just based on accounts?

Hi Jose,
Which server the Ewon connects to is based on where the Talk2m account was originally made.